Donate a Car

You can turn your vehicle donation into generous dollars to support Seniors Outreach & Resource Centre! Working on our behalf, Donate a Car Canada will accept your vehicle for donation — running, or not! Old or new!

There is no cost to you, and the process is incredibly easy! Donate a Car Canada will facilitate all aspects of your car donation from the pick up to the final sale, ensuring that your vehicle will be sold for the highest sale outcome possible, and the proceeds will benefit Seniors Outreach!

3 Easy Steps

1. Fill out form

2. Confirm information

3. Done!

How does it work?

Seniors Outreach & Resource Centre is partnering with Donate a Car Canada to accept your car donation! You will be provided free towing, or you can drop off your vehicle to maximize your donation. When you donate your car, truck, RV, boat, or motorcycle to Seniors Outreach through Donate A Car Canada, it will either be recycled or re-sold (depending on its condition, age and location). Donate a Car Canada will look after all the details to make it easy for Seniors Outreach to benefit. Plus, you will receive a tax receipt after your car donation has been processed!

Why Donate Your Car?

Your used car donations make a difference to Seniors Outreach. We do not need to pay any fees to participate in receiving gifts through Donate a Car Canada, so we can put each of your donation dollars to serving aging adults in the Okanagan.

Lots of Ways to Give

Donate online

Donate Gift Cards

More Than Meals

Donate Securities

Donate Bottles

Planned Giving

Donate a Car