Seniors Centre

SHINE Housing Navigator

Seniors Housing Information & Navigation supports seniors who are experiencing precarious housing to secure stable housing that is appropriate and safe.

Our Housing Navigator helps clients to:

How It Works

Our Housing Navigator provides individualized services for seniors 60+ years of age in Kelowna & region who are experiencing homelessness or precarious housing to secure stable housing that is appropriate and safe. While we do not directly provide housing, our Housing Navigator provides much-needed support in navigating BC Housing resources, applications to below-market housing, securing SAFER subsidies, and reviewing eligibility for federal and provincial government supports.

The Housing Navigator can also help clients with their housing search, tenant applications, property viewings, review of lease terms, and home set-up supports. In some cases, we can provide a client with one-time financial support to secure new rental housing by helping with expenses like a damage deposit, first-month rent, moving costs etc.

This program is supported by Seniors Services Society of British Columbia and Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy.

For more information, please connect with our Housing Navigator.

Phone: 250.861.6180 Ext. 2

More Programs and Services

Seniors 55+ years in Kelowna and the region are invited to participate in our friendly social recreation programs at the Seniors Centre at 1353 Richter Street. Seniors Activity Centre for the Active Ager.

Better at Home provides community-based services from volunteers, contractors and our local non-profit organization. Better at Home supports the non-medical needs of older adults in Kelowna, West Kelowna, and Lake Country.

Linked together

Community Connector helps seniors improve their health and well-being by participating in meaningful activities and being connected to community services.